9 tips to help you care for Your eyes

We heavily rely on our eyes to interact with the environment. In fact, most learning in children occurs visually. However, we take our eyes for granted. We do not take the time to cater to the health and wellness of our eyes. As a result, we only realize that our eyes have a problem when they are badly deteriorated. Eyes naturally deteriorate due to age and exposure to environmental factors, such as, the sun, dust and debris. Following the tips below will hep you preserve your eyes for longer and better.

  1. Get an eye test

We have all heard the story of a person’s persistent headaches that were resolved by an eye test. Eye conditions do not have very clear symptoms. Your eye might not hurt if you have an eye problem. An annual eye check helps to identify early signs of eye conditions.

Hence, they can be treated before the eye deteriorates to blurry vision.

If you don’t believe it, just think of the amount of harm that you expose your eyes to every day. Eye strain happens all the time, from digital eye strain from your phone, TV or computer, to glare from oncoming headlights at night to UV rays from the sun and eye make up.

  1. Educate yourself

You need to know enough about your eyes to take care of them. Educate yourself on the factors that affect your eyes and avoid them. If you are diagnosed with an eye problem, find out as much as you can about the condition. This will help you care for your eyes and prevent them from further degradation.

Also, find out the substances that you are allergic to. Ensure that you do not purchase eye make up or eye medicine containing the substances.

  1. Keep your glasses on

Eye glasses should remain on your face. They are a medical prescription meant to improve your vision. When you are not wearing your glasses, you are straining your eyes. Straining your eyes could worsen the state of your eyes.

Therefore, always put on your glasses especially when engaging in activities that could strain them.

  1. Get enough rest

The eye is a complex organ with a system of muscles that help us to see and blink. Every time you strain the eyes, you strain the muscles in your eyes. Your eyes strain from activities, such as, using poor lighting, squinting at the sun or looking at digital screens for a prolonged amount of time.

To preserve your eye sight, you need to get enough rest.

  1. Invest in sunglasses

UV rays are damaging to your eyes. Investing in a pair of sunglasses is the best way to prevent UV rays from entering your eyes. Wear sunglasses every time you go out into the sun.

If you wear contacts buy a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes.

  1. Eat a balanced diet

Your eyes require nutrients such as vitamins C, A, E, Omega-3, Lutein and others. Incorporating different foods into your meals will ensure that your eyes are nourished and healthy.

  1. Look out for symptoms

Pay attention to your eyes. This will ensure that you notice any changes that occur in your eyes. Changes in vision such as blurred vision, redness of the eye, excessive itching should prompt you to visit your ophthalmologist or optician.

  1. Use safety eye wear

Ensure that you wear protective eye wear when engaging in activities that strain your eyes. For instance, wear polarised lenses when driving to reduce glare from the sun and reflective surfaces.

If you work in the welding industry, ensure that you invest in protective eye wear.

  1. Do not smoke

Smoking has been linked to various types of cancer and diseases. It is also a habit that can cause problems for your eyes at a very early stage.

Ditch the habit to safeguard your eye sight.