6 habits that affect your eyes


We take our eyes for-granted. By the time we visit the optician, we have lost the advantage of early detection. Furthermore, we hardly put concious efforts toward safeguarding our eyes. Instead we often engage in activities and habits that hurt our eyes. For instance, we don’t clean our eye make up tools, we look directly at the sun, expose our eyes to poor or excessive light, and we do not invest enough in protective eye wear.  The list highlights regular habits that we hardly notice have an impact on our eyes. Avoid the habits to keep your eyes safe. Nonetheless, an eye test is the most reliable way to identify the wellness and health of your eyes.

  • Not investing in sun glasses

The UV rays of the sun are not just bad for your skin; they are also bad for your eyes. Optometrists and ophthalmologists recommend that we wear sunglasses that provide at least 90 per cent protection from the UV rays.

Tip: Sunglasses reduce the risk of age related ocular disorders because your eyes are not damaged by the radiation of UV rays.

  • Rubbing the eye

When your eye itches, the first instinct is to rub it. However, the number of times that your finger comes into contact with your eye should be limited. Most times that we touch our eyes we are not keen on washing our hands first. Consequently, rubbing your eyes might actually spread the bacteria or infection further. Additionally, trying to remove a foreign object with your finger might wedge it deeper into the eye. Refrain from rubbing your eyes and poking your fingers in your eye, if your hands are not clean.

Tip: When there is something in your eye, letting the tears flow is the most hygienic solution. The tears help remove the dust or insect in your eye.

  • Sugar and Junk food

Sugar and junk food are credited for the increase in chronic illnesses in the 21st century. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses can come with complications that affect your eyes.

Tip: A healthy diet with high levels of vitamins and antioxidants is the important for your eye sight.

  • Staring at the screens for too long

Spending too much time on your mobile phone or TV screen could affect your eyes. The excessive blue light from the computer or mobile screen causes eye strain, eye fatigue, eye redness and insomnia.

Tip: As you watch movies, play video games, interact on social media and engaging on-line take a few breaks from the screen for the sake of your eyes.

  • Postponing your eye test

An eye test gives you a sense of assurance that your eye health is good. Most optic problems can be easily resolved using corrective lenses. Do not wait until there is significant change in your eye sight, get your eye test today.

Tip: All these are factors that are within our control. We can start taking proactive measures to improve and maintain our eye care. Let us be responsible for our sense of sight.